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Joseph Sassoon Semah
Joseph Sassoon Semah
Tracing Martin Heidegger's hut and Paul Celan's clouds: [.....], 2011, Oil on canvas, white thread, wood, glass, 90 x 60 x 5 cm, photo Arend Velsink
Tracing Martin Heidegger's hut and Paul Celan's clouds: [.....], 2011
2010, Tracing paper, black ink, white thread, Richard Wagner sheet music 39x49 cm
2011, Oil on canvas, white thread, wood, glass, 90 x 60 x 5 cm, photo Arend Velsink
Iron, wooden table, 280 x 89 x 78 cm, photo Arend Velsin
The conversation which did not take place, A wooden chair, 10 walking sticks 42 x 41 x 136 cm
2011, Iron, 282 x 180 x 178 cm, photo Arend Velsink
2011, Iron, wood, glass, paint 244 x 89 x 180 cm
2011, Iron, wood, glass, paint 244 x 89 x 180 cm
2011, Iron, 22 fluorescent tubes, electricity wires, 282 x 125 x 178 cm
After Paul Celan, Tango and Fugue This, however, brings us GaV EL GaV (Back to Back) with the artist's promise, 2009
Black Fire / White Fire 2005
ShULChaN ARUCh, (Laid table), 2005 (7 images)
EshKOL (full moon), 1999
EshKOL (full moon), 1999
THE FRAGMENTED TaLIT 1999 (14 images)
Reading in Reverse, 1990
Breaking News, 1990
BeGIN/ AKeDaH/ SeTaV/ KoaCh/ ZaR/ TzeL SeFaT/ EM (3 images)
When a name becomes a place, 1987
Wie man einem toten deutschen Künstler das Hasen jagen erklärt (How to explain hare hunting to a dead German artist), 1986
HaVDaLaH, 1985
HaVDaLaH, 1985
HaVDaLaH, 1985
ShaM MaYiM 1984 (2 images)
As one dies, so dies the other, 1985
KaDISh (Prayer for the dead): 1979 (3 images)
As one dies, so dies the other, 1985
As one dies, so dies the other, 1985
As one dies, so dies the other, 1985
Breathing in Proximity (6 images)
Measurement in Time (3 images)
Between Graveyard and Museum's sphere
Amsterdam (When a name becomes a place) 1985
An introduction to the principle of relative expression, 1980–1983
HaVDaLaH, 1985 (2 images)
joseph semah Repetition & Change, 1988
MaASeH ChOSheV 1987
TeCheLeT 1979
Three Dimensional Typography, Correction II 1994 (2 images)
NeILAH (The closing of the Gates) (Open Closed), 1987
YaKNeHa"Z 1983
The Wandering Jew / The Wondering Christian
From the Chair (Made Ready) 1979 (2 images)
The endless shadow, 1985 (2 images)
Jeruzalem of Above / Jerusalem of Below, 1990 (3 images)
EIRUV ChaTzeROT, (Amalgamation of Courts), 1979
Moach Lev Kaved (Brain Heart Liver)/ LeCheM MiLChaMaH (War Bread), 2006 (2 images)
HaSBaRaT PaNIM, (Hospitality), 1990
TERRitORy 2005, (2 images)
Then as now one finds that the city of Jerusalem is simultaneously a criticism and non-site, 2005
OPEN / CLOSED 1990 (9 images)
Repetition & Change, 2005
ShaMaIm ChaDaShIM, (New Sky), 1979
tERROR 2006
EARth 2006
ToleRAnCE 2006
WORlD, 2006
GaV EL GaV, (Back to Back) 1982 (9 images)
TaV, 1983 (5 images)
An introduction to the principle of relative expression, 1979 (7 images)
An introduction to the principle of relative expression, 1979
In Memory of a Sacred Tree, 1987 (3 Images)
The Guardians of the Door