On Friendship/(Collateral Damage) III - The Third GaLUT:
Baghdad, Jerusalem, Amsterdam

The Guest becomes Host

September 7th 2019 - January 19th 2020, 36 locations
Metropool International Art Projects Curator: Linda Bouws

33. Joods Liberale Gemeenschap

  < 32 - 34 > 

Joods Liberale Gemeenschap Zuidelijke Wandelgang 41, AMSTERDAM
December 21st 2019 - January 19th 2020
Architectoral model
Rabbijn mr. Menno ter Brink and Rabbijn Joram Rookmaker
Architectural model:
Architectural model based on Meir Tweig Synagogue of Hacham (Chief Rabbi) Sassoon Kadoori, who was the president of the Babylonian Jewish community in Baghdad, Iraq - 2019







Location images... click here...